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  • Jo Moseley

4 Lessons I Learned Setting Up The Joy of SUP Podcast

Updated: Mar 5, 2021

A few weeks ago I saw this quote on PR guru Jan Murray's Instagram account and I couldn't help but smile because it summed up the journey of launching my podcast The Joy of SUP - The Paddleboarding Sunshine Podcast.

Creating a podcast about joy, sunshine and paddleboarding in winter in a pandemic, with the first guest episode being released on Christmas Eve was enthusiasm over skill + making a dash for the other side.

Here are 4 things I’ve learned that may be of help:

1) If I’d known at the outset the work, the learning curve, the time, the sleepless nights and the tears I might well not have launched.

Coordinating brilliant guests, recording, editing, promoting... so much technology, so many tiny details to get right, so many opportunities to question my ability, confidence and purpose.

Have you ever experienced this on a project?

2) If I’d known the joy, the friendships, the possibilities and the the “oh my gosh I think my heart is actually going to burst” I would have started months sooner.

I’ve met so many extraordinary paddleboarders, heard so many inspiring stories and realised that there are even more possibilities around the sport than I had imagined!

Photo copyright: Heather Peacock, Cal Major/James Appleton Photography, India Pearson

3) You don’t have to know it all at the start - start + you’ll learn:

"Unleash your inner beginner" is a phrase I learned from the fabulous This Girl Can campaign and it is one I have tried to implement into my life with every new project in my 50s.

The only way to start is to start and then to build upon what you have. As Arthur Ashe said, "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."

4) You don’t have to do it all alone - ask, listen, reciprocate kindness. People are awesome + we can help build each other.

“We rise by lifting others” is one of the values of the podcast + I have found it to be very true within the podcasting community as well.

So many podcasters have answered by questions, advised on technology, encouraged and inspired me. I'm not very good at reaching out and asking for help but this has genuinely been one of the biggest and loveliest lessons I have gained from launching The Joy of SUP - The Paddleboarding Sunshine Podcast.

Here are some of the wonderful podcasters that have helped me:

Patricia Carswell of The Girl On The River Podcast

Sue Bentley of Generation X Podcast

Kathryn Meadows of Mother of All Movement

But the response + reviews + listening figures have been been beyond my wildest hopes. We reached listening milestones sooner than I had hoped and the reviews have been incredible. I’m so grateful.

And I’m just taking it one day at a time.

How are your ducks at the moment? Who else is madly running for it too? I'd love to hear your thoughts on starting a new project from scratch and going for it. Please do share! Jo xx

To listen to The Joy of SUP - The Paddleboarding Sunshine Podcast - please just click here! I would love to hear your thoughts.

Here is a short introduction about the aims of the podcast! Enjoy!

Photography copyright as above, Heather, Cal, James and India or Jo Moseley

Picture above taken by Charlotte Graham Photography

Board is Bluefin SUP - I am a Brand Ambassador for them

Leggings are FINDRA - I am a Brand Ambassador for them

Jacket is Palm - It is my British Canoeing Women's Paddlesports Ambassador cagoule





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